
Welcome to KrausGrafik Services . . .

KrausGrafik offers quality services and products in photography, writing, illustration, design, project management, public relations and event planning.PHOTOGRAPHY

In an accomplished career as an award-winning visual journalist I’ve built a skill set that can meet all your needs. Whether in photojournalism, illustration, weddings and other events, landscapes, nature, or portraiture, I can create memorable images for you . . .
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On message. On deadline. On the lookout for the people and thoughts that will command the reader’s attention. I can create entertaining, informative stories for your publication – and accompany them with photos that make the complete package for your readers.

View Writing Samples . . . Adirondack Winter RescueFostering Equity in Public SchoolsA Life OutdoorsSanta is Alive and Well . . .Two Wheels, Two RoutesThe Perfect RideLaughing for the LordThere is No Finish LineHoliday Visitor



Outstanding illustration depends on ideas as much as it does technical ability. I can help you brainstorm a clear, attention-grabbing concept, then carry it through to an image that will stop viewers and help them get your message.


KrausGrafik offers quality services and products in photography, writing, illustration, design, project management, public relations and event planning.DESIGN

Simple. Clear. Accessible. Beautiful. I can create finely crafted, attractive designs for all your publishing projects.



Years of leadership and organizational experience in journalism have given me the skills to manage your project and the staff who will deliver it on time and with the highest quality. Daily newspaper production means multiple projects every day, often with unexpected roadblocks and detours. The real world requires quick decision-making and accomplished interpersonal skills to effectively direct, then often re-direct the resources needed to get the job done.



That same twenty years of journalism editing experience means I’ve seen from the other side enough press releases to wallpaper the state capitol and ducked enough clumsy pitches to qualify for nomination to the Hall of Fame. What aspects of a story and its presentation really attract coverage? I know.


KrausGrafik offers quality services and products in photography, writing, illustration, design, project management, public relations and event planning.EVENT PLANNING SERVICES

As a dedicated cyclist, I volunteered for seven years on the planning committee for the MS Bike Tour sponsored by the Northeast NY chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Each annual bike tour was the culmination of a year of planning and organization. As a member of the National Press Photographers Association, I helped plan local presentations of the annual Flying Short Course and the Women In Photojournalism events. I can put this experience to work planning your special event or meeting.



My experiences can be your reservoir of knowledge. I can help, whether you want to redesign your magazine or newsletter, improve your publication’s visual planning and presentation, or just present a speaker who will educate and entertain your group or club.